• The data input process is easy to follow. There are detailed Instructions and the Input Forms include descriptive rollover icons that look like this: ⓘ.
  • You provide meaningful data, and our software does the rest.
  • There are four Input Forms. The number of pages, if printed, is shown.
  • ♦︎ Operations (1 Page)

    ♦︎ Balance Sheet Data (1 Page)

    ♦︎ Risk Survey (3 Pages)

    ♦︎ Ownership data Form (1 Page) [Owners are NOT identified.]

  • All data is saved in the secure database upon click of the Submit button.
  • Once data is confirmed as correct, movement is direct to the next Form.
  • You have the flexibility to navigate to previous Forms to review or edit.
  • To generate a full accurate Report, all data points should be input. Blank entries are read as zero.
  • You can see the input needed by downloading the Input Forms.