Estimates of Value are calculated using applicable formulas. We believe you'll find the Report an instructive analysis of your business.

Once you establish an account and log in, you can begin data input. Establishing an account is free,

Charges apply only when a Report is to be generated.

To establish an account, please click Sign-up. [You can use code names for yourself and/or your Company to further protect confidentiality.]

If you can, we recommend inputting five years of data from financial statements or tax returns. [Statements means either.]

To make input easier, you may first download the Input Forms and complete off-line OR download, print and fill in by hand. Then key in data from the pre-filled Forms.

Please be sure information is accurately keyed, as even tiny errors can have serious impacts on results. Please use care!



  • You can view any of the four Forms by clicking the Form name at the top of the Page.
  • Clicking the blue logo atop any page returns to the Home Page.
  • For all Forms, use whole numbers unless a percentage sign % appears.
  • Once all data for a Form is input, please check for accuracy and correct as needed.
  • Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button before NEXT.
  • Clicking NEXT, brings a pop-up to check your input.
  • Hit the PREVIOUS button or click the Form name atop the page if you need to go back.
  • After any correction please click SUBMIT before NEXT.
  • Once you are satisfied all is correct, click DOWNLOAD REPORT to get the payment page.
  • Once paid, click DOWNLOAD REPORT. Click OK when the dialog box pops up.

Please give financial data for up to the most recent five (5) consecutive years.

For a business under 5 years old, you may wish to input all years or maybe omit the start-up year if it is not representative of operations.

If desirable, especially for a possible purchase, sale or investment, to input future figures (if available or projected). The Report will show values as of the last projected year (assuming current market conditions).

To get started, Click Select # Years to choose how many years of data you are going to input.


For any partial years, use one of these options to give whole year figures:

  • Input your own estimates for full year figures for the partial year; or
  • Input only data from full years; orr
  • Input extrapolated figures, e.g. 6 months elapsed, multiply each line item by 12/6 = multiply by 2; or
  • Input 12-month figures, e.g. if Year 1 is April-December, add January-March from Year 2 and adjust the following years to April-March. If the result is a partial year use an above method to yield a full year.
  • If both start-up and ending years are partial years, any combination of the above can be used.

If you make an error in the number of years to input, you can remove or add columns by using the buttons near the bottom of the Form.

Line By Line Instructions:
Hovering over the line-item’s ⓘ will pop-up a description for the line item.

All figures should be totals year by year. Use whole dollars only, no decimal points or cents. Do not input $ signs. You can use commas for ease of checking, but commas are not required. Negative numbers require a minus sign. Any item left blank will be read as zero.

Ending Month of Fiscal Year: Select from dropdown menu.

Year: Insert the 4 digit year number (e.g. 2016) with the oldest year in the left-hand column. The most recent year will appear in the right-hand column.

Total Assets: The summed value of all Assets as appearing on your Balance Sheet. The sum of all Liabilities and Equity will equal Total Assets.

Total Liabilities: The summed value of all Liabilities as appearing on your Balance Sheet. When Total Liabilities are subtracted from Total Assets the difference equals Equity.

Operating Revenues: Revenues from business operations per Profit & Loss Statement. Exclude incidental income like interest earned.

Cost of Operations: Direct costs to produce revenue, e.g. sellers of goods often use Cost of Goods Sold; sellers of services often use Direct Labor. A guidepoint can be that these costs vary directly with revenue. Revenue less Cost of Operations yields Gross Profit.

Total Overhead: Costs of business operations that do not vary directly with revenue, e.g. fixed salaries, rent, etc. Exclude interest paid and non-operating expenses like tax penalties. Total Overhead subtracted from Gross Profit yields Net Operating Profit.

Interest Expense:Payments of interest on all debt, such as bank loans, credit cards, etc.

Other Income:Incidental income not derived from business operations, e.g. interest earned, dividends received, etc.

Other Expense: Expenses not generated by business operations. e.g. tax penalties.

Subtracting Interest Expense and Other Expense from Net Operating Profit and adding Other Income yields Pretax Profit.

Income Taxes: Combined total of Federal, State and Local Income Taxes net of refunds. Pretax Profit less Income Taxes yields After-tax Profit.

Distributions or Dividends: Payments to business owners out of current or accumulated profits.

Depreciation: The expense of Depreciation on the Profit & Loss Statement accounting for the reduction in value of tangible assets. [Depreciation should NOT be excluded from Cost of Operations or Overhead if included above. It will not be double-counted.]

Amortization: The expense of Amortization on the Profit & Loss Statement accounting for the reduction in value of intangible assets. [Amortization should NOT be excluded from Cost of Operations or Overhead if included above. It will not be double-counted.]

Owner Compensation: Total salary and benefits compensation for all owners. Compensation for those owning a minority interest who do not control setting owner compensation should be excluded. [Owner Compensation should NOT be excluded from Cost of Operations or Overhead if included above. It will not be double-counted.]

Capital Expenditures: Purchases of assets less net proceeds of asset sales. If asset sale proceeds exceed purchases, enter a negative number.

Debt Repayments: Net change in debt principal by subtracting debt at year-end from debt at the start of the year. If more money is borrowed than repaid, enter zero.

Current Year Combined State & Local Income Tax Rate:Provide the most recent State & Local Income Tax Rate.

Operations Form Complete?

Once all figures are entered, Click SUBMIT.


Make any corrections and then AGAIN CLICK SUBMIT.

If no further corrections to make, then Click NEXT.


Please provide information from your Company’s Balance Sheet for the MOST RECENT YEAR for which input was provided on the Operations Form.

Line By Line Instructions

Cash & Equivalents:Total of Cash and liquid investments; e.g. Cash in Banks, Petty Cash, Marketable Securities, etc.

Receivables: All receivables less Bad Debts Reserves; e.g. Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, Refunds Due, etc.

Current Assets: Total of Current Assets on the Balance Sheet; e.g. Cash & Equivalents, Receivables, Inventory, Prepayments, etc.

Current Liabilities: Total of Current Liabilities on the Balance Sheet; e,g, Accounts Payable, Accruals, Unearned Revenues, etc.

Debts: Total of non-current Liabilities on the Balance Sheet. [Current Liabilities plus Debts should equal Total Liabilities on the Operations Form.]

Balance Sheet Form Complete and Accurate?

, Click SUBMIT, then NEXT.


For each Question on this form, select the answer that best fits for your Company.

Hovering over the Question’s ⓘ will pop-up an explanation.

Risk Survey Form Complete and Accurate?

, Click SUBMIT, then NEXT.


For the Ownership Interests question:
   If a Corporation, list the number of shares outstanding.
   If any other kind of entity, insert 100.

Ownership Transfers:

List up to five most recent sales or transfers, if any, in the last 5 years, of any ownership interest (stock, LLC interest, etc.) by the Company or between owners. If no transfers, leave blank.

Total Sales $: The total consideration for the ownership interest. Include cash paid, promissory notes and other consideration. List gifts only if a value was stated in financial statements or in a tax filing.

% of Ownership Sold: At the time of transfer the percent of total Company ownership was transferred. Example: 1000 shares of stock issued and outstanding; Owner #1 sold half of 400 shares to Owner #2, 200/1000 = 20%.


This Section recognizes overstatements and understatements of accounting figures in the Company Balance Sheet for the most recent year of input. Use a minus sign for any reduction. Leave blanks for no change.

Assets: To calculate, For the most recent input year, Net Market Value less Net Book Value. Definitions:

Net Market Value is the price the asset would sell for less cost of sale (e.g. broker commission).

Net Book Value is the current value of the asset in the Balance Sheet, less any reduction (e.g. depreciation).

Asset Example #1: Balance Sheet lists headquarters building at $100,000 (original purchase price) and $20,000accumulated depreciation , so Net Book Value is $80,000. However, the building Net Market Value is $150,000 if sold. Use 70,000. That’s $150,000 - $80,000.

Asset Example #2: Company has an assignable warehouse lease at a below-market rate with four years left. Your Realtor estimates the lease has a $40,000 Net Market Value x. The lease is not on the Balance Sheet. Enter 40,000.

Liabilities: Provide the anticipated Uninsured Future Cost less the Balance Sheet amount.

Liabilities Example #1: Balance Sheet shows $10,000 for Warranty work due. show $10,000 in Warranty under liabilities. Inflation makes the real cost to be $25,000. Enter 15,000. That’s $25,000 - $10,000.

Liabilities Example #2: Balance Sheet shows $50,000 reserved for a lawsuit against the Company. The opponent has agreed to settle for $20,000. Enter -30,000. That’s $50,000 - $20,000.

Ownership Data Form Complete and Accurate?

Click SUBMIT, then DOWNLOAD REPORT, which goes to the Payments Page. After Payment, you can then be able to download the Report.