WorthMetrix™ SERVICE

  • We understand not all businesses are created equal. Processes for valuing a gold mine, a restaurant, a used car dealership or a professional practice are different, but still depend on picking the right risk-adjusted formula.
  • To use our Service, you can create an account for free and input data. Charges apply only when you generate a Report for Download. To begin, click the LOGIN Tab and then the Sign-up button.
  • You may want to first read our Security Assurances. We know your critical data deserves protection. You can use a code name for the business to protect confidentiality. You never have to input the real name.
  • To see the input needed, please download our Input Forms.
  • Our input requirements may seem surprisingly modest, but we believe we’ve distilled the data needed to essentials. Plus, our Instructions provide explicit definitions and advisories so you can be confident your input yields reliable output.
  • You don’t have to finish all the input in one session. With a free account, you can do some now and log back in as many times as you need to finish up or make changes. Charges apply only when you generate a Report.
  • Our Report is fashioned to provide and explain the range of values applicable to your business, based on your input data, so you can select the relevant Result(s) within that range to meet your goals and inform your decisions. Please have a look at our Sample Report.
  • By the way, if you use our Service to consider a purchase, sale or investment, you can input future figures to see values that would apply at the end of the final projected year (given current market conditions).
  • Considering the enormity of what’s at stake, where a fraction of a percent may mean thousands of dollars, we hope you agree our affordable $349 Report Price is worth spending.